

The Playlists

  • 12 videos per playlist - 3-5 minute videos created with subject matter experts.
  • Flexible delivery - use in inductions, kick off your team meetings or deliver at regular intervals either workshop style or self paced.
  • Multiple playlists available to suit your needs with a resource guide if you are facilitating the learning within a video.

The eMatrix Playlists

Here are your perfectly curated playlists for ongoing learning! Each Playlist contains 12 x 3-5 minute videos. Watch an overview and preview the contents of The Playlists in the tabs below.

Build Trust & Likeability 

Language Carries Energy

Connect With Your Customer

Collections Concepts & Conversations

Questioning Techniques

Maximising Payments

Manage your mindset

Objection handling, de-escalation and customer complaints

Strategies for workplace wellbeing


customer engagement

Build Trust & Likeability Early

Discover skills and techniques in how you build trust and likability with your customer. Connection, judgement and accountability – discussion of all the things that work for and against you!
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1. Connect With Your Customer - Why it’s important 

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2. Acknowledging Customer Effort - Know how to say thank you

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3. Pre-judging the customer - the psychology behind why we do it

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4. Stranger Danger - Customers are ready for battle

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5. Customers Who Call Us- Getting worked up prior to the conversation

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6. Humanising the ID process - How to appeal to customers

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7.  Building an empathy statement - The formula to acknowledging customer emotion

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8. Intent Statements - Why they build trust

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9. Diverse and Respectful conversations - what is above and below the line

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10. A Customer’s Emotional Backpack - The baggage a customer brings to the conversation

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11. Top tips – when working with vulnerable customers

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12. Your communication style - which approach suits you?

customer engagement

Connect With Your Customer

Learn techniques and psychology behind how to connect, including slow-playing it, our ‘yes-ladder’ strategy, providing options and managing passive-aggressive behaviour.
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1. Active Listening - The importance of verbal nods and paraphrasing

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2. The Yes Ladder - A strategy for building trust

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3. Saying Sorry - To apologise or not to apologise?

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4. Passive Aggressive - Why it’s the worst approach

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5. Social Norms - How to normalise things for a customer

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6. Low Literacy in Australia - How it can impact our customer

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7. Low Literacy Levels - How to adjust your conversation

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8. The Solution- why to slow play it

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9. Options - Give the customer a sense of choice

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10. The Decoy Effect -How to influence customer decisions

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11. The Iceberg Theory - What's beneath the surface

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12. Diversity and inclusion – connect with your colleagues

customer engagement

Language Carries Energy

Language matters! Explore language that disconnects with customers and learn how to adjust to your audience in today’s world of information overload.
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1. Dirty Words - Using words customers don’t understand

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2. Impact of Dirty Words - How it can make someone feel stupid

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3. Internal Language - How it creates a power imbalance

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4. Negative Language - Put it in the bin

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5. Language Thermometer - Finding the balance with customers

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6. Our Go-To’s - Language that gets us in trouble

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7. Avoiding accountability - Passively and Actively

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8. T’s and C’s - Why no-one reads them

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9. Blaming Others - Why it is a problem

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10. Neutral Language - You, me and blame

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11. Overtalking - Don’t steamroll your customers 

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12. Chicken Salt - Season your language


Collections Concepts & How to Kickstart the Collections Conversation

Learn what is takes to succeed in a collections and hardship role and kick start your collections conversation by confidently asking for the money.
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1. Great Collectors - The mindset and skills that work

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2. Lived Experience Lounge - Dealing with collectors

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3. Debt Collectors - People's perceptions

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4. The Ideal Collector - 6 proven traits

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5. Hardship and Collections - Are they different hats?

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6. A Call Example - What guidelines are being breached

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7. Judgment in Collections - Why assumptions don’t work

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8. Collections and Negotiations - Kick starting the process

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9. Confident Collections - Opening call killers that are a give away

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10. Asking for the Money - Use the power of the pause

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11. Dumb and Dumber of Collections - Questions that don’t work

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12. The Tug of War - Trying to win the battle wins nothing


Questioning Techniques to Uncover Capacity & Willingness to Pay

Learn the art of discovery and negotiations to help work towards the best solution for you and the customer. Learn what action to take if they can’t and/or won’t pay.
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1. Boundaries - Over-connection can impact you and the customer

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2. Collections and Negotiations - Don’t show your hand

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3. Collections - Why we need the diagnostic process
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4. Uncovering the Issue – Why framing is important
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5. Collections Conversations - The art of questioning techniques

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6. Negotiations - Understanding the payment hierarchy

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7. Collections Questions Menu - Choosing the questions that best fit the scenario

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8. Willingness vs Capacity - Why does it matter

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9. Willingness or Capacity - Questions you can use to filter this out

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10. Willing to Pay or Not - What if they are just annoyed?

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11.Small business - knowing their pressures

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12. Small Business Collections - Positioning your questions


Maximising Payments

Understand the psychology behind how to influence a customer’s decision, including providing time context for customers to prioritise paying your account.
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1. Maximising Payment - Using timelines 

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2. The Payment Default - How to handle multiple unpaid arrangements

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3. Benefits vs Consequences - Balancing them out

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4. Make the Customer Care - Your legislation doesn’t matter to them

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5. We Rely on Customers - A strategy for telling without telling

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6. Explaining Consequences - Why using truthful language is the best strategy

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7. How Humans are Incentivised - By a sense of loss or gain?

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8. Creating a Sense of Urgency - Managing the call when a customer is on holidays

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9. Breaking it down with eMatrix - A collections call

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10. No Capacity to Pay - Where to take the conversation from here?

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11.  The world of a Financial Counsellor - How to best work with them

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12. Payment support and toolkits - Tips and tricks by the experts

mindset, objection handling & wellbeing

Manage your mindset

Everything starts from mindset. Build awareness around your own mindset and how it may project onto those around you, including ego, judgement, negativity, gossip and tips for shifting that into something more productive.
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1. Ego, Judgement and Frustration - Mindsets that get in the way

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2. The Cobra customer - How to deal with an angry customer

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3. Internal Curiosity - How to sidestep your ego, judgement & frustration

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4. Dumping Your Potatoes - How complaining becomes part of team culture

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5. Debriefing After a Tough Call - Why talking actually helps

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6. Managing Negative Conversations – Focus on the small positives

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7. The Catastrophe Scale - how I would rate my problem?

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8. Gossip Culture - why it is about power

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9. Toxic Positivity - Minimising how others feel through unrealistic positivity

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10. Resilience – why it can be a shitty word

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11.Diversity and inclusion – think about it from the other person’s perspective

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12. The Window of Tolerance - know when you are outside your green zone


Strategies for workplace wellbeing

Wellbeing within work – identify what your work stressors may be or what you may be bringing to work. Learn how to shift those by learning about rumination, cortisol, your stress bucket, circle of control and how to take the stress out of a conversation with your boss!
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1. Workplace wellbeing - influences and impacts

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2. Circle of Control - Where to focus your energy

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